Hiking in the Schoorl Dunes

The Schoorl Dunes are a dune area located west of Schoorl in North Holland. They are the highest and widest dunes in the Netherlands. Open dunes alternate with dense forests and wet plains. You will also find moors and sand dunes. Near 't Groote Ganzenveld, in the southern part of the area, a hole was dug in 1977 in the first row of dunes from the North Sea beach. This intervention was given the name De Kerf. Sand, wind and water have free rein.

The highest dunes can be found on the eastern edge. The highest peak measures 55.4m and is located near the village of Catrijp. Other well-known peaks are the Klimduin (52m) near Schoorl and the Schoorlse Nok (48m), just above Bergen.

Hikes in this area


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